Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today's Quote

Albert Einstein
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein

Monday, October 29, 2012


I think that one of the most important problem(aside perseverance) for most of the people and myself trying to achieve Astral Projection is "memory recall"...

It's not so easy to recall dreams with many details so I think that an other field I need to improve is "memory recall"upon awakening. I've been doing since a few days this exercice from Stephen Laberge: Prospective Memory Training, it sounds simple at first but it is not and require a lot of will and concentration.

I've also got on my tablet yesterday this free application: Memory Trainer which is pretty cool but so damn difficult for me, but I think that with time and practice, it will help me a lot for my quest.

Also, one important thing that I've noticed with time is that good sleeping is so important for dream recall and AP practice. But unfortunatly, I suffer of insomnia from time to time, I really need to try to fix this... but when I'm able to have a good night sleep, AP exercices, are a lot more positive.

Infinity Art

Infinite diversity in infinite combinations...
symbolizing the elements that create truth and beauty.

✣ Commander Spock, Star Trek

Artist: Unknown

Today's Quote

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Some good progress...

I went to sleep early tonight, felt asleep pretty quick but I woke up just 2 hours later because of a dream. As usual, I wrote it down on my dream journal, it was a very interesting dream... 

I went back to bed about 20mn later and read a bit to make me sleepy. At the moment that I felt sleepy, I'm thinking why not try to get to Focus 10(mind awake/body asleep) but whithout the use of Monroe's Hemi-Sync.

So, I' m focusing on my 3rd eye, doing some breath work and keeping my mind empty. To my surprise, only about 5-10mn into it, my body is guetting asleep and I'm starting to feel very relax...

That's when I start to see 3D blackness forms and some body shapes coming out from nowhere... also, this sensation of guetting suck in... I'm thinking: That's it!
Most important rule: Do not get excited... Of course I did unfortunatly. The sensations of 3D blackness started to go away and a couple of minutes later, I was back to normal.

It is the first time that I'm able to reach this state whithout using Hemi-Sync and in just less than 10mn. Now, I think that I know pretty well the differences and the feelings of F10 and F12. But, the biggest surprise is that I can reach this state whithout any help from binaural beats...but I need to keep working on controling my emotions.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Today's Quote

Mahatma Gandhi
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Day 8 of "Fasting" OVER

Finally I'm done with that! I was really starting to get weak. The first thing I ate when I was done was a an onion soup, one of the best soup I had in my life... After 8 days with no taste in my mouth, it's one of the best thing in the world once you put back some taste.

I lost a total of 6.5 kg which is enough but it wasn't my main goal at all to lose weight. In the beginning of my ''diet'', I had some very wild dreams which was kind of cool and I was able to remember most of them but somehow, the last 2 days, I could not remember any... I don't know the reason but fortunatly, during a nap this afternoon, I could remember one, so maybe it was because of the lack of food?

The last 3-4 days, I could not worked on my daily exercices(AP, LD, Hemi- Sync...), I felt too weak and felt doing nothing at all. So, I will start again seriously all those tomorow and see if I can make some progress.

At the end, I'm kind of proud of myself to have been able to go through it. It's more mental strengh than physical, and I know that not anyone could finish a  "Fasting" like that on it's own... So let see if it will help me on my quest to ''the inner realities''.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Today's Quote

Oscar Wilde
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
― Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 5 into "Fasting"

This diet is really pushing the physical limits of my body and my mind... I've already lost 5kg in just 5 days! I feel weak most of the day because of the lack of food but still don't feel too hungry... Thanks to the Master plants I'm taking 3 times/day. But if I let my mind wonder about food, it really becomes difficult. 

New problem that I am having, it is affecting my sleep, I could not sleep at all last night... so I guess I will rest during the day.

Aside the negative things, my dreams are guetting pretty wild like it happened in Peru, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I will go through this crazy diet until friday instead of sunday. I'm loosing too much weight and starting to get really weak, I don't want to push my body too hard the first time I do this diet on my own.

One of my favorite video...

"Fasting": Day 2! (Oct.20th)

So far it's not that bad, for sure not as bad as when I was isolated in the forest... 
Wait...it's only day 2! I might not say the same in couple days...

Yesterday was quite busy, I've finished a book and I've started a new one. It's very rare but I've decided to read for a second time this book '
Our Ultimate Reality” by Adrian Cooper.

This book is not a best seller which I think is a shame. It is so well written in a modern, understandable, non-mystical way, setting out in a concise, logical and easy way to read for anyone.  It made a great impact on me and  taught me many things I didn't know at the time when I first read it 2-3 years ago.

I highly recommend this book to All mystics, to All seekers of truth, to All those with an open mind that can see past the MAN-MADE religions and dogmas of our time...

Today's Quote

Frank Zappa
“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa

I will start "Fasting" tomorow(Oct. 18th)

Tomorow will be the starting day of my diet, something that I am looking forward but in the same time really not looking forward...

I've done my first 
"Fasting" when I was in Peru, one of the most difficult thing that I've done in my life...but also one of the most rewarding...

In Peru,  the "Diet" consists of a personal retreat in the mountain, generally for 10 days, in isolation, with the ritualized ingestion of the so-called “master plants”, accompanied by a special diet and strict psychical and psychological norms.

In this way, a special contact with nature is created, and dedicated to a physical and energetic depuration that eliminates substances that block sensibility. This favors dream production, remembrance of past situations and experiences that weren’t well-processed, deep introspection and ultimately, an encounter with the "inner master". It is important to avoid excessive physical effort, exposure to sun, rain, fire, certain tastes and smells (including the ones coming from cleaning supplies), contact with other people (especially sick, menstruating women and people who have had recent sexual intercourse), or situations that generate stress....

Of course, I won't be able to do exactly the same diet... I have some extracts of the “master plants” that I brought from Peru last time. I will isolate myself during 10 days in my room with minimum contact with the outside world but will allow myself to use only  PC or mp3(something that we are not allow in the forest) and of course read as many books as I can during this time.

Basically, I will only eat some rice and nuts just twice a day, no salt, no sugar and 3 times/day, I will drink with water(which is allow) those so-called “master plants”.

Why am I doing this?
Simply because during my experience in Peru, I had the most profund dreams/awakenings of my life and the following months, I've never felt so good mentally and physically. What this crazy diet does is it kills all the bad/negative things in your body. The  “master plants” does some internal work(mental and physical)...that I really felt after a couple days into the diet but I cannot explain the way it works... It's a very personal experience.

Since many months, I have been having this very strange feeling that I should do it again on my own for my quest of Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming...so I have to follow my instinct and see where this will take me.

I don't know if I will be able to go through the full 10 days cause it really is difficult and this time I will be on my own but I'll do my best.

PS: Those plant's taste is really disgusting...

Today's Quote

Robert A. Monroe
‎"The greatest proof of the existence of any particular phenomenon is consistency through repeated observation. Only through such reasonable careful analytical experiments, or as much so as I could make them, did I come to the conclusion of the unqualified existence of the Second Body. I do presume that all of us have one. I cannot conceive of being that unique.                  
Robert A. Monroe

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

This material doesn't really need any justification except that this book might give you answers about the door to the nature of reality for  anyone seeking some... It was only by what seemed like a series of rare coincidences that I came across it. If you have made it this far, then maybe it is a forgone conclusion...

PS: I don't believe anymore in coincidences...

3 Dreams last night

For the first time in my life I was able to remember 3 different dreams last night. I've been practicing Stephen LaBerge's book: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and all I can say is that his tips work pretty well.

I woke up 3 times total and everytime,, I took the time to write down on my notebook what I've experienced in dreamland... 3 dreams totally different from eachother, but they just felt so real... Whithout going much into details, here are the main parts of those dreams:

1st dream: Myself and an older guy were in car chase after 2 other guys, it end up quite bad with 1 shotgun being fired.
2nd: I was in my hometown in France with a friend in a supermarket stealing food for an unknown reason...LOL
3rd: In the forest, prehistoric time with a bunch of people hunting mammoths with big sticks.

It's pretty cool stuff when you can get better at remembering your dreams... I don't believe that dreams like many people think are to warn us or future events... I think that there are real but not real in physical way of speaking, to me it's some kind of an other plane/reality.

Today's Quote

Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Frank Kepple Resource via AstralPulse.com

This is the links to writting of Frank Kepple on his experiences in the Astral and his resulting belief. His works build largely upon those by one of the most renowned leader in the field of Astral Projection: Robert Monroe, who founded the Monroe Institute.For anyone even semi-interested in this journal, I highly suggest that you read Frank's work. It is truly interesting read, provided you aren't too closed minded to such a thing.

Links:    The Frank Kepple Phasing Ressource  and  Frank's Posts PDF!  

Today's Quote

Albert Einstein
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein

Working on achieving Lucid Dreaming

I've been using Robert Monroe's Hemi-Sync the Gateway Experience since about 3 months now, as Frank Kepple suggested in his essays, I'm just focusing on listnening CD1 track 2 Introduction to Focus 10 at least once a day. 

Focus 10 is the state where you put your body asleep but your mind stays awake. And after listening to this track 4-5 times, I was able to get to this state! The first time it happened to me I was like WOW, I could not feel my body at all and I could even hear myself snoring but your mind is still awake! It is a very stange sensation, I can understand why some people might freak out the first time when they get to that stage...

When I'm able to reach that stage very well, I'm starting to see some shapes coming out suddently in my mind, it's pretty crazy stuff... But the problem is, everytime it happens, I'm starting to get exited and most of the time everything stops, I have to get better in controlling my emotions. Also, I've been feeling some tension(not painful) right above my eyebrows during the sessions but also during the day: The 3rd eye???

So, since 3 months now, that's what I can achieve, I cannot really go beyong Focus 10 yet. That's when I remembered that Frank's first OBEs where through his Lucid Dreams... I had just a couple of lucid dreams in my life so I need to practice that part too.

I will keep listening to Monroe's Hemi-Sync everyday but I'll also work on making my dreams lucid. So, I've start reading what I think is the best book in this field: Stephen LaBerge's book: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.

This book so far is really good, many useful exercices and some really good advices. Lets see how it goes from there...I have this feeling that it is the way I have to go...

My first post...

Here is my first post about me trying to achieve Astral Projection(AP). I have been on it since a bunch of months now and I'm making some progress. I know that it is real because of my trip to Peru and my Ayahuasca sessions there, some pretty incredible things happened to me... I will describe those sessions an other day. It totally changed my view on life and it's the reason for this blog's name: my awakening... It really was a big Awakening for me!

Anyway, since then, I want to achieve again what I've experienced there and I think that one of the best way is through AP. I've been studying quite a lot the subject among others too and I"m guetting closer each day whithout the use of any psychedelics.

I follow Frank Kepple and Robert Monroe 's ways wich I think are the more suitable for me but it requires a lot of practice and motivation everyday but like I've said before, I'm making progress....

So that is the reason I've decided to record all my experiences(AP, lucid dreams, dreams...) on this journal for myself first and maybe my experiences could help other people in the future.