Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I will start "Fasting" tomorow(Oct. 18th)

Tomorow will be the starting day of my diet, something that I am looking forward but in the same time really not looking forward...

I've done my first 
"Fasting" when I was in Peru, one of the most difficult thing that I've done in my life...but also one of the most rewarding...

In Peru,  the "Diet" consists of a personal retreat in the mountain, generally for 10 days, in isolation, with the ritualized ingestion of the so-called “master plants”, accompanied by a special diet and strict psychical and psychological norms.

In this way, a special contact with nature is created, and dedicated to a physical and energetic depuration that eliminates substances that block sensibility. This favors dream production, remembrance of past situations and experiences that weren’t well-processed, deep introspection and ultimately, an encounter with the "inner master". It is important to avoid excessive physical effort, exposure to sun, rain, fire, certain tastes and smells (including the ones coming from cleaning supplies), contact with other people (especially sick, menstruating women and people who have had recent sexual intercourse), or situations that generate stress....

Of course, I won't be able to do exactly the same diet... I have some extracts of the “master plants” that I brought from Peru last time. I will isolate myself during 10 days in my room with minimum contact with the outside world but will allow myself to use only  PC or mp3(something that we are not allow in the forest) and of course read as many books as I can during this time.

Basically, I will only eat some rice and nuts just twice a day, no salt, no sugar and 3 times/day, I will drink with water(which is allow) those so-called “master plants”.

Why am I doing this?
Simply because during my experience in Peru, I had the most profund dreams/awakenings of my life and the following months, I've never felt so good mentally and physically. What this crazy diet does is it kills all the bad/negative things in your body. The  “master plants” does some internal work(mental and physical)...that I really felt after a couple days into the diet but I cannot explain the way it works... It's a very personal experience.

Since many months, I have been having this very strange feeling that I should do it again on my own for my quest of Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming...so I have to follow my instinct and see where this will take me.

I don't know if I will be able to go through the full 10 days cause it really is difficult and this time I will be on my own but I'll do my best.

PS: Those plant's taste is really disgusting...

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