Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Working on achieving Lucid Dreaming

I've been using Robert Monroe's Hemi-Sync the Gateway Experience since about 3 months now, as Frank Kepple suggested in his essays, I'm just focusing on listnening CD1 track 2 Introduction to Focus 10 at least once a day. 

Focus 10 is the state where you put your body asleep but your mind stays awake. And after listening to this track 4-5 times, I was able to get to this state! The first time it happened to me I was like WOW, I could not feel my body at all and I could even hear myself snoring but your mind is still awake! It is a very stange sensation, I can understand why some people might freak out the first time when they get to that stage...

When I'm able to reach that stage very well, I'm starting to see some shapes coming out suddently in my mind, it's pretty crazy stuff... But the problem is, everytime it happens, I'm starting to get exited and most of the time everything stops, I have to get better in controlling my emotions. Also, I've been feeling some tension(not painful) right above my eyebrows during the sessions but also during the day: The 3rd eye???

So, since 3 months now, that's what I can achieve, I cannot really go beyong Focus 10 yet. That's when I remembered that Frank's first OBEs where through his Lucid Dreams... I had just a couple of lucid dreams in my life so I need to practice that part too.

I will keep listening to Monroe's Hemi-Sync everyday but I'll also work on making my dreams lucid. So, I've start reading what I think is the best book in this field: Stephen LaBerge's book: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.

This book so far is really good, many useful exercices and some really good advices. Lets see how it goes from there...I have this feeling that it is the way I have to go...

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