Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My first post...

Here is my first post about me trying to achieve Astral Projection(AP). I have been on it since a bunch of months now and I'm making some progress. I know that it is real because of my trip to Peru and my Ayahuasca sessions there, some pretty incredible things happened to me... I will describe those sessions an other day. It totally changed my view on life and it's the reason for this blog's name: my awakening... It really was a big Awakening for me!

Anyway, since then, I want to achieve again what I've experienced there and I think that one of the best way is through AP. I've been studying quite a lot the subject among others too and I"m guetting closer each day whithout the use of any psychedelics.

I follow Frank Kepple and Robert Monroe 's ways wich I think are the more suitable for me but it requires a lot of practice and motivation everyday but like I've said before, I'm making progress....

So that is the reason I've decided to record all my experiences(AP, lucid dreams, dreams...) on this journal for myself first and maybe my experiences could help other people in the future.

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