Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 8 of "Fasting" OVER

Finally I'm done with that! I was really starting to get weak. The first thing I ate when I was done was a an onion soup, one of the best soup I had in my life... After 8 days with no taste in my mouth, it's one of the best thing in the world once you put back some taste.

I lost a total of 6.5 kg which is enough but it wasn't my main goal at all to lose weight. In the beginning of my ''diet'', I had some very wild dreams which was kind of cool and I was able to remember most of them but somehow, the last 2 days, I could not remember any... I don't know the reason but fortunatly, during a nap this afternoon, I could remember one, so maybe it was because of the lack of food?

The last 3-4 days, I could not worked on my daily exercices(AP, LD, Hemi- Sync...), I felt too weak and felt doing nothing at all. So, I will start again seriously all those tomorow and see if I can make some progress.

At the end, I'm kind of proud of myself to have been able to go through it. It's more mental strengh than physical, and I know that not anyone could finish a  "Fasting" like that on it's own... So let see if it will help me on my quest to ''the inner realities''.

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