Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The throat friction is a great tool

I have to say that more I practice Samuel Sagan's throat friction' meditation technique, the more I can feel this pressure on my eyebrows...

I've just finished a 40mn session and again I was able to see some shapes that my mind could not make up for sure... but what was strange is that about 10mn in the session, I've felt some heat on my forehead, kind of a burning sensation. This is the first time I feel this kind of heat...
What is it? I really don't know.

On the downside, my dream recall is pretty bad lately again... Why is it that during some periods, I can remember many dreams and during other periods, it's blank in the morning? I just can't figure it out.


  1. Very cool to see more people discovering the throat friction technique. I've been practicing it since mid 2012 and it's probably the most powerful way to feel your subtle body and third eye. When I do it now I get what feels like a band around the top of my head, just buzzing with energy. Not intrusive but VERY noticeable. I run weAlign.org and I'm posting guides and information related to subtle energy, if you continue to practice I would be interested in having you guest blog for us and I would be happy to do the same for you if you wish. Let me know.

  2. Hello Matt,

    Thanks for ur reply As you can see, I haven't been active since a little while... I needed to focus my time on many other things but I am on my way to get back practicing very soon.
    Here is my skype if you want to chat: roland0104

    Take care
