Friday, November 9, 2012

The Third Eye

Some big progress tonight... As I said before, I've been feeling since a few weeks some pressure on my forehead (between the eyebrows) when I'm able to reach Focus 10 or deep physical relaxation. I heard before about this "3rd eye" but never really study the subject. 

Yesterday, I've find out about this guy specialising in the 3rd eye: Samuel Sagan, so I did some research and I was able to find some MP3 that he made about his meditation's method...

Once in bed, I've listen to his intro CD where he talks about his background and give a lot of explanations. Then, I did his Practical CD 1(which is available on youtube) and all I can say is that session was a really cool ride...

It's not easy to describe what I've felt with words but it put me in a state very similar to the beginning of my Ayahuasca sessions in Peru. At the end of the CD, he is starting to talk and I'm saying to myself: "please, no, no, no, not so fast!" The feeling was so good and it was when I had some visions in many different shapes coming inside my forehead. I'm pretty sure that I've reach Focus 12: I lost all senses of my body and my surrounding, that's when the shapes started to appear and this weird feeling of peace...

This 3rd EYE thing is real! So many people and cultures from the past been talking and writing about it, I believe that Astral Projection is happening through this "eye"...

This 1st session worked pretty well with me because I've been developing whithout realising this pressure on the forehead since a bunch of months with meditation and hemi-syncs. It feels like something wants to come out between the eyebrows, this is a very strange feeling at the beginning but you get used to it.
But, I'm not sure this could work so fast for someone with no prior training in meditation.

It's good because I wasn't making much progress lately. I'm gonna practice more about this 3rd eye and read one of Sagan's book. I'm very impress from last night's outcome. At the end, this all AP thing takes a lot of time and self-determination but I know that it will be worth it...

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